Friday, August 21, 2009

Corporate Branding

Corporate branding is the process of establishing a name and image for your business. It is something, which should be done by every organization, and establishes a name for your product or service.

While you can have a successful business without the use of corporate branding, it is much harder to remain in the minds of customers when you do not have a brand or logo for them to associate your business with. Corporate branding begins with the designing of a relevant logo, website, business cards, letterheads, and any other promotional materials that you might need.

With these items in place and the corporate logo established, you will begin to see why corporate branding is the key to success.

Why is Corporate Branding so Important?

When you think about Nike, what comes to mind? I can guarantee that most of you just pictured a check mark in your head. This is because Nike has spent a lot of time and money to ensure that their logo and "just do it" motto have been set into the minds of consumers for years.

This is just one example of why corporate branding is so important. Without a brand image to quickly associate your business with, you are instantly out of the minds of consumers.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Top 10 Sure-Fire Ways to Kill Your Small Business

1. STOP MARKETING and pretend everybody knows who you are and what you have to sell.

2. STOP MARKETING and fantasize that you have more important worries than promoting your business.

3. STOP MARKETING and make believe your customers won’t notice that you discontinued your monthly client newsletter.

4. STOP MARKETING and keep telling yourself that your customers would never abandon you.

5. STOP MARKETING and ignore the potential new clients that would buy your products or services if they were contacted by you.

6. STOP MARKETING and stop thinking about your competitors and the fact they want your customers.

7. STOP MARKETING and keep telling yourself it costs too much to market.

8. STOP MARKETING and disregard the fact that marketing is not a business expense but an investment.

9. STOP MARKETING and make-believe your established customers don’t need to be reminded that you appreciate their business.

10. STOP MARKETING and forget that now is the best time to market since all of the idiots are cutting back on doing it.

Certainly the choice is yours. You can follow the above practices and drive your business into the ground. It’s up to you. But do you really want to bury your business forever?

Pay Per Click Marketing Campaigns (PPC, CPC)

When undertaken in the right manner, pay per click marketing campaigns can deliver excellent results.

In some instances, there have been those entrepreneurs who have earned incredible amounts of revenue from successful PPC campaigns.

But, this does not mean simply signing up with a PPC service is all one has to do to achieve success. Rather, it is important to stay informed throughout the entire marketing campaign.

This is where ad tracking tools comes into play. It is these ad tracking tools that deliver the clear analytical data required for a successful campaign.

Tracking can be considered a key component of any marketing campaign. This is true of both online and offline marketing since all marketing success requires trial and error.

No matter how well planned a marketing strategy may be, you will never know how successful it truly is until you launch the campaign.